• Director - WA

    With a career across journalism, education, communications and the arts Rania is passionate about leadership, equity, ethics and citizenship.

    Rania is our resident wizard of words.

  • Associate - NSW

    Emily’s professional experience balancing artistic, cultural, operational, community and commercial outcomes provides her with a holistic viewpoint in developing strategies and projects.

    Emily is our clarity guru.

  • Associate - VIC

    Kate is passionate about delivering ambitious programs which transform places and forge new creative and economic pathways for artists and communities.

    Kate is a master at bringing people together.

  • Director - VIC

    Mollie is a curator, producer and arts manger who has made the sustainable development of communities and arts organsiations across Australia her life’s work.

    Mollie loves a spreadsheet shuffle.

  • Associate - NSW

    Loredana is a theatre, event and festival producer with nation-wide experience making projects of all kinds come to life.

    Loredana will event manage you out of a pickle.